Thursday, February 10, 2011

Potty Training Twins

So my husband is gone for 2 1/2 weeks (one week down!!!), and for some inexplicable reason, I’ve decided to try once again to potty train the twins!  We tried a few months ago, but there was zero progress so we stopped.  Recently, I’ve seen some readiness signs, and since we’re going to be moving soon, I thought I’d better take advantage of this window of opportunity before we’re thrown into a bunch of changes!

We’re on our fourth day, and it’s not gone nearly as badly as I’d thought it would!  They’re only wearing diapers during naps and bedtimes, and they’ve stayed dry through every nap.  All in all, they’ve each had a few accidents and a few successes, but overall they’re just not going very much!  Of course, they are soaked when they wake up in the morning so they must be saving it!  Neither one has yet told me that they need to go, but they both tell me when they’ve wet their undies.  That’s a good sign!?

One of the biggest obstacles so far is that they are afraid of the toilet!  I tried to take them at church last night, and they both freaked out when I put them up there!  I’m not going to carry their little potties around everywhere, so I may have to consider buying one of these foldable travel seats.


The funny thing is that all three of my older kids hated the little seats and wanted to sit on the real thing!  Ah, kids…

I’m not overly stressed out about this- after all, no kid ever went to college in diapers!  But, I don’t want to be inconsistent!  These two have a tendency to pounce on any inconsistency, and they have each other to back them up!! 

Somehow I believe we will survive this, but when my husband gets home…I’m taking a break :)

1 comment:

  1. I have two sets of twins. Potty training is definitely a huge task. With the younger ones, I was able to train them in 5 days including at nap and bed time. It was a stressful week. I had one of those folding potty seats like you have in the picture, I loved mine. I also had one of these baby bjorn one piece pottys, I got mine at Babies R Us. Anyway, we kept it in the car in a backpack with some plastic grocery bags and wipes. The grocery bags fit perfectly over the potty and can be thrown away after. This was fantastic when we were at the park or anywhere else that didn't have a potty.

    I'll add that all mine were girls, so I'm not sure if that makes it any easier. ;)
