Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Morning at the Park

Last night was a bit rough.  Twinkle woke up, and while I was only up with her for about 20 minutes, it took me a while to fall asleep again.  Then Sweetheart Girl woke up because she was cold and couldn't get back into her sleeping bag (she was on the older boys' floor), and after that it took me forever to get back to sleep!  Needless to say, I was not ready to get up this morning...thankfully, my wonderful husband let me stay in bed.  Not only did he get the kids breakfast, he even got them going on all their morning chores!  What a man!

Of course, he had to leave eventually, and I was up, but hardly awake.  Since most of the kids were already dressed, I decided we needed a break.  We went to the playground.  We'll call it P.E.  We had a good time, but even though we were there by 8:00 and left at about 9:00, we were all a mess of red faces, sweaty hair, and tired little bodies!  Here are some pictures:





Then the older kids decided that Twinkle needed to have some fun, too!   100B3261 100_3312 100B3332

100B3341Notice that while she started with a smile (with Hero), by the time Sweetheart Girl got to her, she was a little unsure of this whole slide thing…

Then they went to play Air Baseball with some new friends.

100_3350 100_3351  Look!  We do have grass in Tucson!!  (pay no attention to the brown spot right next to Sweetheart Girl)

100_3353 Here’s some family trivia.  So far, all of my children have been afraid of grass when they reached the toddler age…

Ready to go home!100_3354100_3357


  1. What fun! The flexibility of homeschooling! I love your blog!

  2. Hi! I saw your blog posted at HOTM Blog Hop. The name of your blog caught my attention, because my blog has the same name! Your little monkeys are precious.
