Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Science is Hot! and so are meteors

We are loving our science curriculum this year! Daddy-man is teaching this one, and Hero and McAwesome look forward to it every Tuesday and Friday! A couple of times we've had to skip it, and they've been very disappointed.

The text is written in a conversational style, and while I believe it is mainly geared toward 2nd-3rd grades and above, younger students (like my 1st grader McAwesome) can glean a lot from it as well. We also purchased the Student Notebooking Journal for each of them; it's chocked full of extra activities which help to reinforce the lessons. For example, on the Fun Facts page, they are to write/draw something they learned from the lesson. Hero wrote about all the planets, and McAwesome, who is a little young to form complete thoughts into sentences, drew a shooting star, which he learned is really a meteor burning through the atmosphere. It was interesting to see what they each picked up on from the same lesson. They worked on a matchbook activity earlier this week, and they hung the solar system in their bedroom on Monday.

We didn't have balloons, styrofoam balls, or the inclination to papier-mache, so they just used good ol' fashioned white cardstock! As their focus was on the planets, they did not make a sun, but the sun would be the stuffed animals net.

It's all very cute, but the cutest part was this:

This is McAwesome teaching the planets to the Minions! ADORABLE! All week, the twins have been bringing McAwesome the horse, saying, "McAwesome, come on! Planets!" Of course, their two year old voices make it even cuter!

So barring some unforeseen problem, we are already planning on continuing the Apologia Science series. It's easy to understand, yet very detailed and thorough. It requires very little pre-planning and is enjoyable to both student and teacher. Of course, science is a subject I always enjoyed, so it's easy for me to get excited about it!

1 comment:

  1. I should note that while the Bible is the basis behind this science curriculum and is used throughout the text, it does not use the King James, which I believe to be the inspired, preserved Word of God for the English speaking world. We easily 'overcome' this shortcoming by referring to our own Bibles instead of reading the version the text uses. (Boy, did they mess up Psalm 19:1!)
